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Web Page and Multimedia Design - Overview


Web page and multimedia design programs prepare people to design web sites or images, graphics, and sound for the World Wide Web. Students learn Internet theory and web page standards. They learn elements of web page design. They also learn to use various forms of media elements for web sites.

There are millions of web sites, and it seems like anybody with a little free time can make one. Yet, what makes a good web site? There are many opinions about this. However, most agree that visitors respond to color, easy navigation, and a few bells and whistles that make the site interesting. The site must change from time to time, too. Otherwise, there isn't much point in visiting again. And then there are things like chat rooms, discussion boards, animation, privacy, security. . . Phew, that's a lot! Maybe it's not so easy to make a good web site seem effortless. If you like art, design, and computers, you could put your skills to use as a multimedia web page designer.

In web page and multimedia design programs, you take several computer science courses. This includes learning different web programming languages, such as Javascript, XML, and HTML. You also take courses about computer networks, database management, and operating systems (Max OS X Tiger or Window XP). In addition, you take many technology-focused courses. You learn how to combine video, sound, color, photos, and design. In addition, you also learn how to work with clients to make sure their ideas are translated into an effective web presence. Finally, you learn how to work with digital video, DVDs, CD-ROMs, and digital recorders. This allows you to link different technologies together.

Many programs - found in community colleges, technical institutes, proprietary art schools, and traditional four-year colleges and universities - offer associate and bachelor's degrees in web page and multimedia design. Some two-year degrees can be transferred to a four-year program.

Source: Illinois Career Information System (CIS) brought to you by Illinois Department of Employment Security.
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